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What are The Operating Procedures of Spray Granulation Dryin Time:2018.03.20
     The price of pelletizing dryers is the aspect we have to understand, but beyond that, we should continue to understand other aspects so that we can continue to learn and learn more about this type of dryers more comprehensively and thoroughly.
    Today, we will focus on explaining what are the mechanical operating procedures for spray granulation drying so that everyone can perform mechanical operations correctly and improve work efficiency.
    Spraying granulation drying mechanical operating procedures, in the following we will introduce its two parts, mainly:
(1) Preparation before starting up
a. Thoroughly and carefully inspect the spray drying system, including all parts, whether it is intact, whether it can be used normally, and if any problems, it should be dealt with promptly.
b. In accordance with the requirements of the process, the material liquid distributors and atomizer plates are installed and the material pipes are connected.
c. Perform power transmission operation to check whether the power supply and voltage meet the specified requirements.
d. Set reasonable supply air temperature and outlet air temperature according to process requirements.
(2) Maintenance
a. During the operation of the equipment, it is necessary to conduct a circuit inspection, whether it is normal, and if it is abnormal, it shall be processed in time.
b. The oil level of lubricating oil should be checked regularly and the amount of oil should be added in time.
c. Its inlet and outlet ducts should be cleaned periodically to keep them open.
d. The butterfly valve is checked regularly and whether its rotation is normal.
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