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 Experimental Spray Dryer Operating Procedures and Precautio Time:2018.03.20
Firstly, the experimental spray dryer operating procedures
1. Install the spray chamber, collection bottle, cyclone and powder collection bottle, and connect the feed tube to the peristaltic pump;
2. Install the spray gun, connect the feed tube, intake tube and needle tube;
3. Turn on the power, turn on the device, and enter the interface (1);
4. Select the parameter settings to enter the interface (2);
5. Set parameters, select manual work, enter the interface (3);
6. Start the air compressor, fan and heater. After the inlet air temperature stabilizes at the set temperature, start the needle and peristaltic pump and then start the work.
Secondly, shutdown steps of experimental spray drying machine
1. After all the materials in the feed pipe have been sprayed, close the peristaltic pump, pass pin, heater and air compressor in sequence;
2. After the inlet air temperature drops below 50°C, turn off the fan and power supply, and remove the spray gun.
3. Remove the powder collection bottle, collection tube, and cyclone in sequence, and remove the spray chamber finally.
4. Wash all accessories and place them carefully for later use.
Thirdly, the experimental spray dryer precautions
1. Carefully handle the experimental spray dryer to prevent damage to the glass fittings!
2. Wash the equipment in time after the experiment!
3. Take care not to lose the nozzle when cleaning the spray gun!
4. Feeding solid particle size can not be greater than the nozzle diameter, the feed volume is not less than 50ml, the solids content is generally not more than 25%!
5. Viscous materials cannot be used for spray drying!
6. Cannot be used in organic solvents!

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